Monday, February 26, 2007

Britney Ain't the Only One

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I am the artist and author of a series of comic inspired (and loosely autobiographical) works called Wepa Woman, a Puerto Rican super hero character that has been serving her public for several years. Recently, she has been under extreme duress (the character, that is) and was even taken captive, tortured and humiliated (her signature curly mane was crudely cut with a knife at the hands of her captor). Once released from the hospital, the agonized character grabbed a pair of hair clippers and shaved her head clean. I write this to you because she shaved her head officially on February 10, 2007.

When the New York Post plastered Britney Spears' dazed and shorn visage on their front page I was horrified and sympathetic to her. Wepa Woman has been going through her share of rough times. Hair cutting is oftentimes a very simple way of cleansing yourself and ridding yourself of old memories and it is even believed that old energy resides in your hair, and that a woman should shave her head and start anew. I, myself have shorn shoulder length locks to mark a fresh start or new chapter in my own life.

Leave a tender moment alone...

Wanda Raimundi-Ortiz