Saturday, November 26, 2005

Other images by Wanda Raimundi-Ortiz

Chuleta B*tch, You know I'm here... Come GET SOME!

I have been following you and your nonsense for the longest time. I've been watching you play these games with yourself and dragging perfectly good people down with you. I see you, Chuleta. You've seen me. WhuzzuP, then? Bring it! You watch when I catch you out there. You won't know what hit you!

And for all you voyeuristic bastages, this is what she looks like. so if you see her, you let me know!!!!!!!

Thursday, November 17, 2005

What kind of hero has LAIR MATES?

This is outrageous! I have enough of a hard time sleeping because of my newfound popularity and people callin on me to solve their problems, but due to a rent hike I have had to forfeit a comfy space and move in with me sidekick, bestest buddy Wepa Wingo... but Lair Mates? BatMan is rich and has EQUITY. Superman just flew around, found a great hunk of ice and made himself his Fortress... but me? Wepa Woman? RENTING! While I am out here breaking my ahem... nails- working, I have to SHARE my SECRET HIDEAWAY!!!!!!! If I SHARE IT IT AINT A SECRET ANYMORE!~~~~ Am I the ONLY ONE that finds this a little DISCONCERTING? Unsettling????


More later.........