Okay, so I go into a Rite Aid in my hood in the Boogie Down to get a prescription filled (Yeah I need to fill prescriptions, I am a superhero, but I am not totally superhuman). I could have gone to a Rite Aid in the city (manhattan) but I was already in the area and in some crazy, naive way, I still think that customer service is unilateral. Then I rememeber why I do things in the City. Because rich people expect nothing less than exceptional customer service, they believe that they are entitled to it, and in the city, you can never be sure who's rolling in it or who's a major broke ass. So customer service is generally at the top of the list. However, when you are more an a few stops up on the 6, even Miss Jenny from the Block would be succeptible to some neck rolling, bagel chompin behind the pharmacy counter while she handles your medicine, Bag O' Hair wearing, "I got my Pharmaceutical Assistants degree from Drake Business Academy" byatch who can't handle basic inquiries. I still can't figure out why it is so difficult for a person to simply admit, "I'm sorry, but I am not sure how to answer that question, but, perhaps my manager can help you out". Simple. Classy. Honest. Clear. Wow! What a novel idea?!
She asks me to choose my counsel direction. Excuse me? I don't understand the question. CHOOSE YOUR COUNSEL DIRECTION. WhuuuT??? I am not sure what it is that you are asking of me. YOUR COUNSEL> CHOOSE YOUR COUNSEL...
I am in a PHARMACY! Goddammit! What the hell are you asking me for. My prescription is filled, let me pay my shit and get outta here before I leave here with a handfull of your hair (it's yours if you've paid for it) in my hands.
If I am telling you that I don't understand the question or the procedure, it stands that I require clarification. Instead, this $6.75 an hour Diva (who should really lay off the Carbo-train) repeats the question LOUDER.
AND LOUDER! Bitch, I didn't come here to buy replacement batteries for my HEARING AID I bought Antibiotics and some Band Aids... And why the hell do I need to choose my counsel options?! Since when does anyone ask that question? You know what? If I am supposed to be depending on you for medical counsel I'll pass. And you know what Bitch? Wash your hands and face. You got a little jelly on your moustache!